We've chosen them for showing us honest talent as a hard working group of guys. Musically these boys are pretty on top of their game. Its hard to mash together violins, mandolins, pianos, banjos, bass, guitars, drums and percussion and everything else theyve got and make it sound good and coherent. But they pull it off quite well. The bands current self titled EP is short, sweet and to the point with some ballets and rock out songs. But the thing you need to do is catch them life. Similar aesthetics to the Builders and the Butchers, the band is a corky throwback to the 1930s or so, coats, ties, vests, hats and..mustaches, all very authentic looking and overall just fantastic.
I personally love these hodge podge bands, the mix and match of sounds and instruments and noise to make the rhythm and rock. Again however they're EP just doesn't do them justice as to their live performances, at least at the moment, since the band is hard at work in the studio for their next full length album. Im sure the album will be fantastic and guess what? There is a way for you, the fans, to get involved in helping this fine group of guys.
If you havent heard of their campaign, Mustache Mayhem, look into it cause its a pretty spiff thing theyre doing. Its a simple concept. If you've got a wicked mustache take a picture of yourself, pay 10 to 200 quid and get on the cover of their new album. Its a great way to help these guys out in producing a rightfully good full length album and a fun way for their fans to get involved with the band. If you check out their website, http://www.thesilentcomedy.com, you can read all about it. So check them out, their cause and their live shows, definitely a local band which deserves your support.