It's dark...Real dark. Granted the past two albums from Brit Rock band, the Editors, have always been subtly eerie but their new album, 'In this Light and on this Evening,' is a little more heavy then past works. It was so to a point that after the first couple listens I really didnt enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I was ecstatic that the Editors were putting out a new record. I had figured they had a good thing going with that loud, boomy fast paced sound theyve had before. In the end they almost went the other way.
In This Light And On This Hour is toned down a bit, slowed down a tad and has a lot of deep dark undertones mixed with some wicked electo noises. It almost sounds like a bastardised 80s epic movie soundtrack, you know like Running Man or Blade Runner. Admittedly some of the more dark tracks aren't as fun, but when you cut into some of those more uptempo, electro backed tracks you can get moving a bit. Im sure theres some potential on the remix for all you DJs out there.
Overall the album may be an acquired taste to all those new Editors fans. The hard core old ones will probably fall in love with it. I have to admit it was slightly a new direction for them. And so far it's worked. It caught on to me, you just have to switch gears a little to listen to the album, set the mood. I am, however, very excited to see their live performance again, as they never disappoint. Im sure it'll be fantastic. The band tours the states all through the month of February and will be stopping by at the House of Blues San Diego on February 9th.