Finally. Alaska has produced something other than cold air and pregnant governors teen daughters. Well sort of. The boys that collectively call themselves, the Builders and the Butchers, originated in Alaska but soon enough moved from the extreme cold to the more tolerable cold of Portland, Oregon, something a tad more acceptable. So I guess we cant give that far off tundra all the credit to producing one of the most unique bands that Ive ever come upon.
Brandon, Ryan, Harvey, Alex and Ray comprise the band, dont ask me to remember who plays what, its hard enough to pinpoint what kind of band they are and the type of music they actually play. Its not rock, yet they do rock. Its not quite country, folk, bluegrass, gospel, or even general noise but its got a structure and its got a beat and it kind of makes you feel like a badass when youre listening to their latest album, Salvation is a Deep Dark Well. Its the kind of music you expect to hear on a 70s made badass western film. The songs actually drift you through a time where survive was dependent on how quick you can pull your gun. A place where sin runs ramped in a lawless land. Listening closely to the lyrics you can hear the stories of hard times, echoing with the sins of the father, the haunting of a desert town, vampire lakes (cause youve gotta have vampires in the old west), dirty priests and lawmen for hire and murder.
Musically these lyrics are accompanied by a melodic twangy mandolin, big acoustic guitars, loud horns, subtle strings, chiming piano and booming flat drums and percussion on anything that makes a sound. The sound of big rhythm and loose notes falling from nowhere mixed up, shook up and jumbled up, spewed out into a beautiful controlled chaos of a sound. At first listen I tended to think about Modest Mouse, I mean Washington, Oregon, same difference right? A lot of rain, mist, fog and woods, yeah? Its a similar concept to the latest that Modest Mouse has produced, that mix of randomness, melody and strange sounds all around. But then you listen more and more to the butchers and you realize theyve nailed down a sound of their own that is of that to rival Isaac and his crew.
Id have to say if youve never heard anything like the Builders and the Butchers, and I doubt you really have, its something of an acquired taste, but theyll grow on you to no end and you wont be able to stop listening to Salvation is a Deep Dark Well. Something you wouldnt normally be blasting out of your car stereo but you will. The band is currently on tour with a band called Illinois and just played a fantastic show at the Casbah. You can find out more about the Builders at thebuildersandthebutchers.com, or their myspace of course at myspace.com/thebuildersandthebutchers. Check them out and check out our exclusive video interview with them at the Casbah.
Review by Will Overbaugh
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